As Kichwa Hatari continues to harness spaces for creativity, education, and activism, we remain well aware of the importance to continue responding to the real needs and barriers that affect Kichwa communities today, from issues of linguistic isolation, language justice, and access to culturally competent resources. We approach technical support (ie. interpretation, translation) through a lens of activism and see these as opportunities to continue addressing issues that impact the well-being of our communities today wherever we find ourselves.

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Since its founding, Kichwa Hatari has served as a hub for technical support, offering interpretation services, advice, and resources that directly impact our communities. In the lat 6 years Kichwa Hatari collective members have been able to offer over 50 Kichwa community members with the support needed in their native language in institutions like courts, schools, and hospitals across the US. Furthermore, Kichwa Hatari has been able to collaborate with organizations and institutions for the creation of resources in Kichwa.