COVID -19 Resources


‘Let’s Talk COVID’ Video Series

Mental Health during COVID-19
Returning Back to Work during COVID-19

Kichwa Hatari is very proud to collaborate with CLACS NYU, CUNY Mexican Studies Institute, and Kichwa artists Adina Farinango and Pancarita Farinango on this series of short videos titled “Let’s Talk COVID-19.” This video series in progress aims to be available in 13 indigenous and diasporic languages, including Kichwa, Quechua (Perú & Bolivia), Mixteco, Garifuna, Kreyol (Hatian), Nahuatl (Huasteca & Sierra Norte Puebla). To watch these videos in other languages please click here.

This video series was also made possible by a 2020 ‘All In’ Citizens Committee of NYC Grant granted to Kichwa Hatari.


COVID-19 Safety for Children


COVID-19 Safety for Children- Kichwa

(Translation by Fabian Muenala)



COVID-19 Safety for Children- Quechua

(Translation by Irma Alvarez Ccosco)



COVID-19 Safety for Children- Español



Other Recommended COVID-19 Resources in Indigenous Languages

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List of audiovisual information in native languages ​​/ indigenous languages ​​of Latin America prepared by various organizations and individuals on the disease known as Coronavirus or COVID-19. This list is compiled by CIELO. For resource, click here.

Languages/Languages family in this list include: Ashaninka, Aymara, Ayuujk/Mixe,Baniwa, Chatino, Chinanteco, Embera, Garifuna. Guna/Kuna,Guarijío, Hñähñu/Ñanhú/Otomi, Jñatjo/Jñartjo/Mazahua, Ku’ahl, Matlatzinca, Maya, Mazateco, Nahuatl, Ñomdaa/Amuzgo, O'dam/Tepehuan, Ombeayiüts, Paipai, Popoluca,Quechua, Raramuri/Tarahumara, Purepecha, Tlahuica, Totonaco, Triqui, Tsome, Tu’un Savi/Mixteco, Wixarika/Huichol, Yaqui, Yegatu, Yoremnokki/Mayo, Zapoteco, Zoque.


COVID-19 Coronavirus - Mixtec / Tu'un Savi

A video in Mixtec/Tu’un Savi about protecting oneself from contracting COVID-19. The original resource belongs to the NYC Department of Health. Video is produced by the Endangered Language Alliance (ELA)

Watch Video Here.


Coronavirus Education Materials In Indigenous Languages, Dialects and Spanish

List of audios, videos, documents, PSAs, posters, manuals, etc for COVID-19 education in 30+ indigenous languages. This material is produced by the Rural Women’s Health Project in collaboration with other organizations.

For resource, click here.